What is Pickleball?
Are you learning how to play the game of pickleball? Pickleball is a paddle sport played using a perforated, plastic ball over a tennis-type net on a badminton-sized court. The game can be played in a singles or doubles format. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn!
How to Play Pickleball
The Basics
Double Bounce Rule
This can also been called the Two Bounce Rule. Following the serve, each side must make at least one ground-stroke, prior to volleying the pickleball ball (hitting it out of the air). Once these two bounces have occurred, the pickleball ball can either be volleyed or played off the bounce.

Non-Volley Zone ("The Kitchen")
Volleying means hitting a ball in the air without first letting it bounce. A player cannot volley a ball while standing within the non-volley zone, which is seven feet behind the net. It is a fault if the player steps over the line on his volley follow-through.

Line Calls
If any part of the ball lands on the court lines, it is considered in (except in the case of the Non-Volley Line)
First Serve
To begin a new game, only one partner from the first serving side is only allowed to serve. After the first fault, the serve switches to the opposing side.

There are five possible pickleball faults. A fault can be committed when the pickleball ball is hit out of bounds, does not clear the net, is volleyed from the non-volley zone, is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side, or touches any part of the non-volley zone on the serve, including the line.
A pickleball team can only score points when it's their turn serving. A player who is serving can continue serving until a fault is made by their team. If playing doubles, each player can keep serving until their team makes a fault, then the serve moves to the opponents' team, which is called a Side Out. The game is played to 11 points. A team must win by two points. To learn more about scoring and how to keep score in pickleball, read our blog here.
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